8 tips to enjoy the Feria de Abril like a true Sevillano

Seville has many things that only Seville has. And during the Feria de Abril, colour, joy, fashion and good living shine with a special light. We move to the Los Remedios neighbourhood in a microcosm where the city unfolds its charm.  So that you can experience this week like a true Sevillian, we leave you with these recommendations. Take note.

The Feria is synonymous with light

There are two key moments that mark the beginning and end of this fiesta. On the first night, after the traditional ‘pescaíto’ dinner, Seville experiences its ‘Alumbrao’.  More than 200,000 LED bulbs illuminate the façade and the Real in a unique display.


The second important moment, as it is the closing of the week, is «los fuegos», the impressive pyrotechnic show that lights up the sky of Seville on the closing night.

TIP: If you’re one of those who make the most of every last moment of the Feria, a good place to see the fireworks is at the Muelle de las Delicias, where you’ll have an overview. If you have opted not to cross the river that night, the Triana Bridge and its surroundings will be the key place to see the fireworks.

You are always welcome here

The casetas become our home during this week. Many of them are private, but many others are public, among them, the Caseta del Turista located at Pascual Márquez, 225.

You can enjoy the good atmosphere and the attractiveness of this space in one of the public stands spread throughout the Fair. You can see them on this interactive map with their locations and consult these and other key addresses at the Tourist Information Points.

Travelling by public transport is for flamencas

The best way to get to the Feria de Abril without too much hassle is to take public transport. Not only because it is the easiest way to get to the Portada and the main entrances, but also because it can be a real experience. By river, by bus or even by bicycle, the most flamenco way to come to the Feria is to do it in a sustainable way.

The Real is enjoyed at all times

The Seville Fair has its times: there is the Feria by day and the Feria by night.

In the morning, the day begins at midday to have lunch in the «casetas» and enjoy the colourful and unique spectacle of the horse parade. And at 8 o’clock, when the carriages and the horse riders and horsewomen are collected at the end of their timetable, the Real is transformed to experience the illuminated fairgrounds. At night, you can discover the more playful and festive side of the Feria and enjoy the flamenco and the atmosphere until well into the early hours of the next day.


Yes, we have our own dress code


It is usual to see the men in jackets and the women in flamenco dress, our regional costume that does not renounce to glamour and fashion. But if you can’t afford one, don’t worry. Opt for an elegant outfit and give it your own flamenco touch. Fringes and ruffles, prints and eye-catching accessories will be your allies. Remember: the flower on your head, only if you are dressed as a flamenco dancer.


As for footwear, wear comfortable shoes that allow you to dance and enjoy yourself until dawn. But make sure they are not your favourite ones. The entire fairgrounds are covered with albero, a golden-coloured earth that is also found in the parks and bullrings, but which is a visible stain. In any case, it is part of the Feria ritual.

Our particular currency

Now that contactless payments are becoming more and more common, it is also useful to come to the Feria with cash. As well as being a very effective way of controlling your spending, you may need it to buy vouchers for consumption. The use of vouchers is quite common in the stalls and the conditions of use will depend on the rules of each stall.

Rebujito looks like water, but it is not.

Our traditional drink is a mixture of manzanilla or fino with fizzy lemon-lime soft drinks. It is extremely popular at the Feria, but precisely because of how easily it is consumed and the high temperatures at this time of year, you may consume more than you had intended. It’s good to keep that in mind! Food?


TIP: Combine the rebujito with the gastronomy of the Feria to compensate for its effects. Montaditos, fried fish, ham, prawns… And, of course, churros and buñuelos at the end of the night (or day).

The Feria also has its hell

If the Feria is a microcosm, the attractions area is a universe apart. The Calle del Infierno, as we Sevillians call it, is overflowing with attractions or ‘cacharritos’ as if it were a theme park.


The constant hustle and bustle of children and youngsters, the lights of each attraction and the volume of the music make it a place only for the most carnival-goers. For the more sensitive, this space has 3 days of 4 hours ‘No Noise Free’ so that everyone can enjoy this experience.


With all these tips we are sure that you will be able to get around the Real like a real Sevillian. And if you want to know more, we share with you this guide about the Feria de Abril 2023. Let’s dance and sing!